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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Options slimming Acai Berry

Picks Acai Berry - The main benefit for slimming

Picks Acai Berry - Acai Berry Brazilian plant for hundreds of years as a food staple and for rejuvenation and natural detoxification of nature, acai berries (fruit of Amazonian Acai Palms) in all media, from articles in fitness magazines to features on popular television programs such as aujourd'hui .Même very popular in the United States to maintain health can cure various diseases including: degenerative diseases like heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and is believed to be able to start your program régime.

Jusqu'à Acai Berry has become the number one health food products in the US Unis.Acai Berry found in the Amazon jungle by locals as nourritureexclusivement for them, so that they can live healthy and have a longer lifespan. After forLe immune system is very effective when consumed regularly will greatly Berry rare.Acai disease may have, we can benefit a lot because of the high content of nutrients elle.8 Fitonutrein and slimming 
Key benefits: 

  1. Lose Weight - One of the benefits of Acai berry is the most sought after by many people is the ability to lose weight. With time rapide.
  2. Since Vitalitas- increase the number of activities to be carried out we lack energy. And not infrequently also some of us who suffer from sleep disorders. This creates a serious negative effect on the long term. Taking Acai Berry can help improve your overall body energy. This way, you can rest better and be able to wake up in a fresh body. In addition, UGA Acai Berry is very effective in improving your métabolisme.
  3. The smooth flow of blood if you have poor circulation, which can cause adverse health problems such as blood clots, baldness, and heart problems. Therefore, Acai Berry darahdalam effective to improve the flow of your body. Where better circulation will feel better and live longer.
  4. Caring more Skin- Acai Berry also contains unique properties that are useful for making your skin look and feel more jeune.
  5. Merwat heart is a heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Which is a major cause of heart disease is munulnya bad eating habits and stress. Acai Berry will give you cardiaque.
  6. Nutrients. Increasing concentrations If you have a better blood circulation, brain otomais then you can work more efficiently, so you can concentration.
  7. Acai Berry lower cholesterol can also work to significantly reduce the time to autre.
  8. Cholesterol. Detoxifikasi- Acai Berry also contains several antioxidants which work to eliminate harmful substances from your body. Throughout the life of the body will absorb harmful substances in it. Acai Berry and useful to eliminate it, and make your immune system stronger than before mangez.Comment you get it, we are very glad that you can buy from here Acai Berry Select

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Monday, January 19, 2015

Benefit of tobacco has been found

Do you believe that tobacco is not any good? These assumptions affect your thinking. Because some studies have actually demonstrated another benefit of cigarettes and tobacco. This is in line with sunatullah who created everything in this world is full of grace and blessing.

Smoking habit turns lowers the risk of knee replacement surgery. The startling results of recent studies have shown that men who smoke have less risk of joint replacement surgery compared with those who never smoked. Research from the University of Adelaide, Australia have appeared in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatism. Then what is the relationship of cigarettes with joint surgery? Knee replacement surgery is generally done by running or obesity. And the fact that smokers rarely jogging. Researchers even a loss to explain this. The fact that smoking is more at risk of osteoporosis. So the nicotine in tobacco can help prevent damage to the cartilage and joints.

In addition, smoking lowers the risk of Parkinson's disease. Numerous studies have identified an inverse relationship between smoking and Parkinson's disease. Long-term smokers who somehow be protected from Parkinson's. In a study published in the journal Neurology in March 2007, the researchers found a protective effect of Parkinson reduced after smokers quit. And they can not answer scientifically why it happened.

Smoking also decreases the risk of obesity because the nicotine in tobacco smoke is an appetite suppressant. It has been known for centuries. The relationship between smoking and weight control is complicated. Nicotine acts as a stimulant appetite suppressant. While the act of smoking triggers to always snacking behavior modification.

Smoking lowers the risk of death after the smoker suffered several attacks jantung.Dibandingkan with non-smokers, smokers who had ever had a heart attack appears to have a lower mortality rate. Because smoke turned out to help the heart drug clopidogrel work better. Clopidogrel is a drug used to prevent blood clots in patients with coronary artery disease and other circulatory diseases. A study published in the journal Thrombosis Research, October 2010 edition, smoking seems to help clopidogrel do his job better. It seems that something in cigarette smoke activates a specific protein called cytochrome, which converts clopidogrel to become more active.

Benefits of Tobacco
Do not rush to believe the words of people who called tobacco is not beneficial to health. Because some studies actually show the benefits of tobacco in treating various diseases. Keep in mind, tobacco contains substances that can react to proteins in the body. In addition, tobacco also has important hormones that have a role in stimulating the human blood circulation throughout the body. Even the hormone content in local tobacco contains two times more than the hormone contained in tobacco European origin.

Behind the false accusations as a cause of cancer, it is precisely tobacco have anticancer protein content. Substances contained in tobacco react to proteins, which then separate them with bacteria. Researchers from the Biotechnology Research Center Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Dr. Arief Budi Witarto MEng reveals, "The protein made by the DNA of our body. If we enter the DNA in question to tobacco through bacteria, then once inside this plant will make the corresponding protein of the DNA insert. If the plant is harvested, we will be able to liquid form of the protein "

In addition to the anticancer proteins, GSCF also be used to stimulate the multiplication of stem cells (StemCell) that could be developed to restore the function of body tissue that is damaged. Preventing cervical cancer: Tobacco contains a source of protein that can stimulate antibodies against the human papilloma virus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer. Meanwhile, other proteins contained in tobacco called Cytokines. Cytokines active proteins capable of stimulating the immune cells in the human body. Cytokines protein production into two kalilipat more when through a purification process.

Another surprising discovery, it turns out tobacco can be processed into a drug that can be used to combat HIV / AIDS. HIV is a virus that infects cells of the human immune system. And incredibly, it turns out tobacco produce proteins that can be used as a drug for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS, called griffithsin. These proteins stop the formation of HIV virus in the body.

The scientists succeeded in using genetically modified tobacco to produce a cure diabetes and immune system. The results were published in the journal BMC Biotechnology. Scientists from several European research organizations participating in the project entitled "Pharma-Planta" led by Professor Mario Pezzotti of the University of Verona. They made transgenic tobacco producing interleukin-10 (IL-10), which is an anti-inflammatory cytokine that is potent. Cytokines are proteins that stimulate immune cells to become active.

The genetic code (DNA) encoding IL-10 were planted in tobacco, and tobacco will produce the protein. They tried two different versions of IL-10 are different. One of the virus, the more rats. The researchers found that tobacco can produce two forms of IL-10 was the right time. Active cytokine production is quite high, which may be used through extraction and purification processes. The next step, IL-10 tobacco was given to the mice to examine how effectively she evokes immunity. Research using IL-10 tobacco in small doses could help prevent diabetes or diabetes mellitus type 1 Diabetes mellitus type 1 or juvenile diabetes is characterized by loss of the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. So there is a shortage of insulin in the body. This type of diabetes can be suffered by children and adults.

The benefits of tobacco, but can be extracted and taken certain sections such as nicotine used in a wide range of products of food and beverages, tobacco can also be used to remove the leech bites when I'm in the woods, tobacco can also be used for insecticides because nicotine is a neurotoxin very powerful for insects. Meanwhile, tobacco can be used to treat, grab ± 25 grams of fresh leaves of Nicotiana tabacum, washed and pounded until blended. plus kerosene ± 25 ml squeezed and filtered. Distillate applied to the wounds.

Surely something redundant it will lead you astray. Everything must have its benefits, do not be too trusting to other than Allah, could so it would deliver a small shirk shirk that blanketed the cortex. Take care and risk inside yours.